Females In Tech Initiative

Approximately 75% of girls throughout Ghana attend primary school, but there is a significant drop in the number of girls who attend secondary school and college. Our future growth relies on competitiveness, innovation and productivity, and these, in turn, depend on the education of our young girls who hold the destiny of our nations.

“Female enrollment continues to decline progressively from the basic to the tertiary level of our education despite several international and local interventions such as the Education For All and many other interventions” Ghana National Education Campaign Coalition Report.

Our solution?

This gap can be bridged through the active development of females by introducing them to STEM-related programmes especially in the field of ICT. For this reason, DreamOval Foundation implements our Females in Tech Initiative (FemITI).

What is FemITI?

FemITI is a project to train young girls to develop problem-solving skills through coding and robotics to empower them to facilitate technology creation to generate opportunities for Societal Transformation and ensure inclusive and equitable quality education. The first edition of FemITI is done in partnership with SAP.

Why FemITI?

  • Create the foundation to catapult female entrepreneurship in STEM-related careers. Harness knowledge sharing among women in the tech industry.
  • Create opportunities to develop women and increase female employment rate in the country.
  • Contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals; SDG 4 – Inclusive Equitable Education, SDG 8 – Decent work and Economic growth, SDG 10 – Reduced inequality.
  • Contribute to reducing the conditions that encourage youth extremism.
  • Contribute to human development index of Ghana.

Course Outline for FemITI

  • Introduction to Computers & Internet Search

  • Variables and Data Types
  • Loops
  • Operators
  • Conditions
  • Functions
  • Android Project
  • Robotics
  • Design Thinking
  • Innovation Paradigm.
Enjoy this short video on FemITI here.
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