Schools in Obuasi presented with STEM materials as part of the 2022 GSTEP Challenge

Award winners at the 2022 GSTEP Awards Ceremony have been presented with STEM materials for their schools. Holy Child School and Obuasi JHS Complex were presented with the materials for coming in third and receiving the Best Pitch award respectively. The schools were represented at the Challenge by the Magnificents Team from Holy Child School and Team Oparebea from Obuasi JHS.

The teams were presented with the awards in their schools the Director of Education for Obuasi. Obuasi JHS received scientific apparatus, engineering tools, robotic kits, science kits and other materials to support teaching and learning of STEM in their school. Holy Child School received a 3-D printer, filament, science kits, engineering tools, Raspberry Pi kits and other materials.The headmasters of both schools expressed their gratitude to the DreamOval Foundation team and assured the team that the materials will be put to good use and help students to develop their interest in STEM. 

The Magnificents team received the second runner up award for their floating waste collector prototype. Each team member received STEM materials valued at GHS 1,500, Coursera and data subscriptions valued at 4,000 and a cash prize of GHS 2,500 for their teacher, and STEM materials and equipment for their school valued at GHS 30,000. 

The Oparebea team received the Best Pitch award for the Challenge for the LPG Detector project that was developed to save the lives of young children from gas leakages after one of their classmates passed away after a fatality at home caused by a gas leakage. The team received STEM materials for each team member valued at GHS 800 each, Coursera and data subscriptions valued at GHS 4,000 for their teacher and STEM materials and equipment valued at GHS 5,000.

The materials were provided to encourage the practical teaching and learning of STEM subjects in schools. The DreamOval Foundation team encouraged the heads of the schools to encourage their students to explore the various opportunities in STEM and apply the knowledge they receive in school to build their interest in STEM.

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